Tuesday, 28 August 2012



I have decided to make a wearable head piece, made of leather. This is based on my struggle with being shy and over anxious as a young child. The piece is not only interactive in the way that you wear it. It can be altered to show growth and change. In its first stage it will cover the head including the face. This connection will be made with wax thread at the front. This thread can be undone and the pieces can be clipped back away from the face make a curved hairpiece, representing who I have become today. 

Initially I was inspired by Una Burke, she works with wearable leather pieces in the most beautiful way. It inspired me to try working with leather and to try and create something as creative.  Her main concept of her wearable pieces is dealing with and over coming human trauma. If you love leather wearables you should check it out.  

Stay posted for more on this project.

This is the leather and tools my dad purchased for me the other day.
Thanks dad! 

Concept drawings.

These amazing stamping tools (sorry the photo isn't great).
 A butterfly and floral decorations. 

 The underpinning framework of the headpiece. (Paper model prototype)

 One side of what is should look like. All pieces can be folded back like at the top.
(Paper model prototype)

 Front part, this will be more even and connected with the wax thread.
(Paper model prototype)

The framework. (Paper model prototype)

DAY ONE; Final Model

 Dying the cow hide.

Struggling to get it even.

Turned out pretty well overall.

Embossed Leather

Framework for final headpiece

DAY TWO; Final Model

I cut the strips to go around the face and as always I made things difficult
for myself and decided I'd try hand stitching.

So here I am stitching and its very time consuming.

Doesn't look too bad on the front until you get to the back.

The back.

Trying mums sewing machine.

It works and looks beautiful! As well as being super easy. Now I just need
to buy more wax thread tomorrow when the shops are open.

DAY 3; Piecing together the past

 Pushing in the rivets holes.

Stitching the leather on the machine.

The beginnings of slowly piecing it together.

3 done in an hour.

 The eyelets to put the leather lace through.

 The back so far, I have done about 1/4 of the strips I need to do.

Its amazing how much time it takes. I plan on finishing this tomorrow.
Ill leave the front till I finnish as a surprise. ;)

DAY 4 and DAY 5; Finalising 

I didn't post on yesterdays because it quiet stressful and today Im still trying to figure out an issue
and with 2 days left at home where all the tools I need are Im freaking out! It is almost done though
so I think Ill be fine. Anyways here are some photos of my progress.

Placing the rivets in

Almost there!

FINISHED!! ( Tomorrow I will post a video and photos of me wearing it get excited!!)

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